3 Reasons To Keep Seeing Your Chiropractor Throughout Your Pregnancy

14 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

A lot of women stop seeing their chiropractor when they become pregnant. Some stop for fear that chiropractic care may harm their body or their baby, while others simply don't realize that seeing the chiropractic during pregnancy can be beneficial. According to the American Pregnancy Association, there are no known dangers of chiropractic care during pregnancy. In fact, there are three good reasons to keep seeing your chiropractor while you're carrying your baby.

Greater comfort and better sleep.

When you are pregnant, your body is changing rapidly. All of the excess pressure from your ever-expanding belly pulls on your vertebrae, causing misalignments that lead to back pain, neck pain, stiffness, and discomfort. As a result of this discomfort, pregnant women often struggle to sleep, which leaves them even more uncomfortable and moody. By adjusting your spine every week or two, your chiropractor can minimize the impact that your changing size has on your back and neck. You'll feel less strain and fewer aches, and as a result, you'll be able to sleep better. And good quality sleep is essential for the your own health and that of your baby.

A lower risk of breech birth.

A few weeks before you are due, your baby should turn around so that he or she is facing the birth canal head-first. If your pelvis and the vertebrae in your lower back are not aligned properly, this may put excess strain on the muscles and ligaments in your pelvis, and this strain may prevent the baby from turning properly. This is when a breech (bottom first) birth occurs. Breech births are quite dangerous for both mother and baby, and often the baby must be delivered via C-section. Your chiropractor can use a special technique called the Webster Technique to ensure your pelvis and vertebrae are properly aligned, which encourages your baby to turn around properly to avoid a breech birth.

Less pain during delivery.

When your spine is properly adjusted, you'll have less muscle fatigue and soreness, and you'll be better able to push effectively during the delivery. Women who see their chiropractor throughout pregnancy often have a reduced need for pain relievers during and after delivery, which means fewer side effects and a safer experience for both mother and child.

For more information, visit a chiropractor in your area.  He or she will advise you as to how often you should return for adjustments throughout pregnancy.
