When Something Gets In Your Ear

24 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Sometimes, weird things happen to good people, including getting nasty things caught in their ears. Whether it's a huge ball of wax or an insect, you want it out, immediately. No matter how desperate you are, you need to be careful when it comes to your hearing. Children are particularly prone to these issues. You need to follow some guidelines whenever you are working with your ears or your children's ears.


Your ears rely on the right amount of wax to keep them healthy. Medical professionals do not recommend using cotton swabs inside your ear canal because you can do damage to your ear drum and actually push wax further inside the canal. Still, you can get a wax buildup that is both uncomfortable and impairs your hearing, so you need to do something. To safely remove wax at home, experts recommend using a concoction of warm water, vinegar, and rubbing alcohol. You simply put a few drops of this mixture in your ears, let it sit for a few minutes, and then turn your head so the liquid wax can run out. You can also choose from a variety of OTC products that are safe. However,if you or your child develop a wad of impacted wax in your ear, it is best removed by the doctor to prevent ear injury.


Unfortunately, bugs can fly or crawl into ears, causing the victim much distress. In addition to affecting your hearing, you can feel them crawling, which is generally a horrifying feeling for everyone, no matter their age. If you remain calm, you can try and remove the bug yourself. First, do not panic and keep your head still. The bug is not happy about this situation either and wants out of your ear canal. Experts recommend laying your head down and having someone insert a piece of grass gently inside your ear. With luck, the bug will grab on, and you can pull it out. You can also try to flush the bug out by using a few drops of baby oil. If this process doesn't work, calmly proceed to your personal physician for help. You do not want to kill the bug or push it further into your ear.

For some people, keeping their ears clean and bug-free is not a problem. However, others end up with some nasty gunk in their ears. If someone in your family has a problem, gently try to fix it at home, but do not hesitate to seek medical help if you run into trouble.
